Integrated Push-and-Pull Update Model for Goal-Oriented Effective Communication
Pouya Agheli, Nikolaos Pappas, Petar Popovski, and Marios Kountouris
Preprint (Submitted for possible publication)
Jul 19, 2024
This paper studies decision-making for goal-oriented effective communication. We consider an end-to-end status update system where a sensing agent (SA) observes a source, generates and transmits updates to an actuation agent (AA), while the AA takes actions to accomplish a goal at the endpoint. We integrate the push- and pull-based update communication models to obtain a push-and-pull model, which allows the transmission controller at the SA to decide to push an update to the AA and the query controller at the AA to pull updates by raising queries at specific time instances. To gauge effectiveness, we utilize a grade of effectiveness (GoE) metric incorporating updates’ freshness, usefulness, and timeliness of actions as qualitative attributes. We then derive effect-aware policies to maximize the expected discounted sum of updates’ effectiveness subject to induced costs. The effect-aware policy at the SA considers the potential effectiveness of communicated updates at the endpoint, while at the AA, it accounts for the probabilistic evolution of the source and importance of generated updates. Our results show the proposed push-and-pull model outperforms models solely based on push- or pull-based updates both in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. Additionally, using effect-aware policies at both agents enhances effectiveness compared to periodic and/or probabilistic effect-agnostic policies at either or both agents.

End-to-end status update communication to satisfy a subscribed goal.

A time diagram of processes involving the sensing and actuation agents

Average cumulative effectiveness over time
Goal-Oriented Multiple Access Connectivity for Networked Intelligent Systems
Pouya Agheli, Nikolaos Pappas, and Marios Kountouris
IEEE Communications Letters (Volume: 28, Issue: 8)
Jun 17, 2024
We design a self-decision goal-oriented multiple access scheme, where sensing agents observe a common event and individually decide to communicate the event’s attributes as updates to the monitoring agents, to satisfy a certain goal. Decisions are based on the usefulness of updates, generated under uniform, change- and semantics-aware acquisition, as well as statistics and updates of other agents.We obtain optimal activation probabilities and threshold criteria for decision-making under all schemes, maximizing a grade of effectiveness metric. Alongside studying the effect of different parameters on effectiveness, our simulation results show that the self-decision scheme may attain at least 92% of optimal performance.

Goal-Oriented Medium Access in a Networked Intelligent System

Objective vs. Meta-Value Threshold

Objective vs. Number of the Source' DTMC States
Effective Communication: When to Pull Updates?
Pouya Agheli, Nikolaos Pappas, Petar Popovski, and Marios Kountouris
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)
Denver, CO, USA
Jun 10, 2024
We study a pull-based communication system where a sensing agent updates an actuation agent using a query control policy, which is adjusted in the evolution of an observed information source and the usefulness of each update for achieving a specific goal. For that, a controller decides whether to pull an update at each slot, predicting what is probably occurring at the source and how much effective impact that update could have at the endpoint. Thus, temporal changes in the source evolution could modify the query arrivals so as to capture important updates. The amount of impact is determined by a grade of effectiveness (GoE) metric, which incorporates both freshness and usefulness attributes of the communicated updates. Applying an iterative algorithm, we derive query decisions that maximize the long-term average GoE for the communicated packets, subject to cost constraints. Our analytical and numerical results show that the proposed query policy exhibits higher effectiveness than existing periodic and probabilistic query policies for a wide range of query arrival rates.

Evolution of the Net GoE (NGoE) over Time

CDF of the Average NGoE

Average NGoE vs. the Controlled Query Rate
Semantic Filtering and Source Coding in Distributed Wireless Monitoring Systems
Pouya Agheli, Nikolaos Pappas, and Marios Kountouris
IEEE Transactions on Communications (Volume: 72, Issue: 6)
Feb 6, 2024
The problem of goal-oriented semantic filtering and timely source coding in multiuser communication systems is considered here. We study a distributed monitoring system in which multiple information sources, each observing a physical process, provide status update packets to multiple monitors having heterogeneous goals. Two semantic filtering schemes are first proposed as a means to admit or drop arrival packets based on their goal-dependent importance, which is a function of the intrinsic and extrinsic attributes of information and the probability of occurrence of each realization. Admitted packets at each sensor are then encoded and transmitted over block-fading wireless channels so that served monitors can timely fulfill their goals. A truncated error control scheme is derived, which allows transmitters to drop or retransmit undelivered packets based on their significance. Then, we formulate the timely source encoding optimization problem and analytically derive the optimal codeword lengths assigned to the admitted packets which maximize a weighted sum of semantic utility functions for all pairs of communicating sensors and monitors. Our analytical and numerical results provide the optimal design parameters for different arrival rates and highlight the improvement in timely status update delivery using the proposed semantic filtering, source coding, and error control schemes.

A Goal-Oriented, Semantics-Empowered Distributed Monitoring System

Semantics of Information (SoI) vs. the Arrival Rate and Admission Size

SoI vs. the Admission Size
Semantic Source Coding for Two Users with Heterogeneous Goals
Pouya Agheli, Nikolaos Pappas, and Marios Kountouris
IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Jan 11, 2023
We study a multiuser system in which an information source provides status updates to two monitors with heterogeneous goals. Semantic filtering is first performed to select the most useful realizations for each monitor. Packets are then encoded and sent so that each monitor can timely fulfill its goal. In this regard, some realizations are important for both monitors, while every other realization is informative for only one monitor. We determine the optimal real codeword lengths assigned to the selected packet arrivals in the sense of maximizing a weighted sum of semantics-aware utility functions for the two monitors. Our analytical and numerical results provide the optimal design parameters for different arrival rates and highlight the improvement in timely status update delivery using semantic filtering and source coding.

Interplay between the SoI and the Number of Selected Realizations for Different Arrival Rates

Interplay between the SoI and the Number of Selected Realizations for Different Weights

SoI vs. the Arrival Rate
Semantics-Aware Source Coding in Status Update Systems
Pouya Agheli, Nikolaos Pappas, and Marios Kountouris
IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops)
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Jul 11, 2022
We consider a communication system in which the destination receives status updates from an information source that observes a physical process. The transmitter performs semantics-empowered filtering as a means to send only the most “important” samples to the receiver in a timely manner. As a first step, we explore a simple policy where the transmitter selects to encode only a fraction of the least frequent realizations of the observed random phenomenon, treating the remaining ones as not not informative. For this timely source coding problem, we derive the optimal codeword lengths in the sense of maximizing a semantics-aware utility function and minimizing a quadratic average length cost. Our numerical results show the optimal number of updates to transmit for different arrival rates and encoding costs and corroborate that semantic filtering results in higher performance in terms of timely delivery of important updates.

SoI vs. the Arrival Rate for Exponentially Decreasing Timeliness

SoI vs. the Arrival Rate for Logarithmically Decreasing Timeliness

Interplay between the SoI, Selected Packets and Codeword Length Cost Parameters
High-Speed Trains Access Connectivity Through RIS-Assisted FSO Communications
Pouya Agheli, Hamzeh Beyranvand, and Mohammad Javad Emadi
IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology (Volume: 40, Issue: 21)
Aug 17, 2022
Free-space optic (FSO) is a promising solution to provide broadband Internet access for high-speed trains (HSTs). Besides, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) are considered as hardware technology to improve the performance of optical wireless communication systems. In this paper, we propose a RIS-assisted FSO system to provide access connectivity for HTSs, as an upgrade for the existing direct and relay-assisted FSO access setups. Our motivation is mainly based on well-proven results indicating that a RIS-assisted optical wireless system, with a large enough number of RIS elements, outperforms a relay-assisted one thanks to its programmable structure. We firstly compute the statistical expressions of the considered RIS-assisted FSO channels under weak and moderate-to-strong fading conditions. Then, the network’s average signal-to-noise ratio and outage probability are formulated based on the assumed fading conditions, and for two fixed- and dynamic-oriented RIS coverage scenarios. Our results reveal that the proposed access network offers up to around 63% higher data rates and 446% wider coverage area for each FSO base station (FSO-BS) compared to those of the relay-assisted one. The increase of coverage area reduces up to 98% of the number of required FSO-BSs for a given distance, which results in fewer handover processes compared to the alternative setups. Finally, the results are verified through Monte-Carlo simulations.

RIS-Assisted FSO Access Network Serving an HST System

FSO Beam’s Reflection Through a RIS-Assisted Structure

Outage Probability vs. Average SNR
Cognitive RF-FSO Fronthaul Assignment in Cell-Free and User-Centric mMIMO Networks
Pouya Agheli, Mohammad Javad Emadi, and Hamzeh Beyranvand
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (Volume: 22, Issue: 5)
Dec 3, 2021
Cell-free massive MIMO (CF-mMIMO) network and its user-centric (UC) version are considered as promising techniques for the next generations of wireless networks. However, fronthaul and backhaul assignments are challenging issues in these networks. In this paper, energy efficiencies of uplink transmission for the CF- and UC-mMIMO networks are studied, wherein access points (APs) are connected to aggregation nodes (ANs) through radio frequency (RF) and/or free-space optic (FSO) fronthauls, and the ANs are connected to a central processing unit via fiber backhauls. The achievable data rates are derived by taking into account the effects of hardware non-ideality at the APs and ANs, FSO alignment and weather conditions. To have a robust and energy-efficient network, especially in the presence of FSO misalignment and adverse weather conditions, first, a cognitive RF–FSO fronthaul assignment algorithm is proposed at the cost of sharing the available RF bandwidth between the access and fronthaul links. Then, optimal power allocations at the users and APs are investigated, and two analytical approaches are proposed to solve the non-convex optimization problem. Through numerical results, we have discussed how utilizing the cognitive RF–FSO fronthaul assignment achieves higher energy efficiency compared to that of FSO-only, RF-only, or simultaneously using RF and FSO fronthaul links, e.g., achieving up to 198% higher energy efficiency under unfavorable conditions. Moreover, the effects of FSO misalignment, weather conditions, and power allocations on the networks’ performances are discussed.

Massive MIMO Network with RF–FSO Fronthauls and MCF Backhauls

Signal Flow over Access and Cognitively-Assigned Fronthaul Links

Simplified Hardware Models at the (a) APs and (b) ANs
UAV-Assisted Underwater Sensor Networks Using RF and Optical Wireless Links
Pouya Agheli, Mohammad Javad Emadi, and Hamzeh Beyranvand
IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology (Volume: 39, Issue: 22)
Sep 21, 2021
Underwater sensor networks (UWSNs) are of interest to gather data from underwater sensor nodes (SNs) and deliver information to a terrestrial access point (AP) in the uplink transmission, and transfer data from the AP to the SNs in the downlink transmission. In this paper, we investigate a triple-hop UWSN in which autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) relays enable end-to-end communications between the SNs and the AP. It is assumed that the SN–AUV, AUV–UAV, and UAV–AP links are deployed by underwater optical communication (UWOC), free-space optic (FSO), and radio frequency (RF) technologies, respectively. Two scenarios are proposed for the FSO uplink and downlink transmissions between the AUV and the UAV, subject to water-to-air and air-to-water interface impacts; direct transmission scenario (DTS) and retro-reflection scenario (RRS). After providing the channel models and their statistics, the UWSN’s outage probability and average bit error rate (BER) are computed. Besides, a tracking procedure is proposed to set up reliable and stable AUV– UAV FSO communications. Through numerical results, it is concluded that the RSS scheme outperforms the DTS one with about 200% (32%) and 80% (17%) better outage probability (average BER) in the uplink and downlink, respectively. It is also shown that the tracking procedure provides on average 480% and 170% improvements in the network’s outage probability and average BER, respectively, compared to poorly aligned FSO conditions. The results are verified by applying Monte-Carlo simulations.

UAV-Assisted UWSN with RF and Optical Wireless Links

Retro-Reflection System between the AUV and UAV Relays

Outage Probability vs. Average SNR
Designing Cost- and Energy-Efficient Cell-Free Massive MIMO Network with Fiber and FSO Fronthaul Links
Pouya Agheli, Mohammad Javad Emadi, and Hamzeh Beyranvand
AUT Journal of Electrical Engineering (Volume: 53, Issue: 2)
Feb 3, 2021
The emerging cell-free massive multiple-input multiple-output (CF-mMIMO) is a promising scheme to tackle the capacity crunch in wireless networks. Designing the optimal fronthaul network in the CF-mMIMIO is of utmost importance to deploy a cost and energy-efficient network. In this paper, we present a framework to optimally design the fronthaul network of CF-mMIMO utilizing optical fiber and free space optical (FSO) technologies. We study an uplink data transmission of the CF-mMIMO network, wherein each of the distributed access points (APs) is connected to a central processing unit (CPU) through a capacity-limited fronthaul, which could be the optical fiber or FSO. Herein, we have derived achievable rates and studied the network’s energy efficiency in the presence of power consumption models at the APs and fronthaul links. Although an optical fiber link has a larger capacity, it consumes less power and has a higher deployment cost than tan FSO link. For a given total number of APs, the optimal number of optical fiber and FSO links and the optimal capacity coefficient for the optical fibers are derived to maximize the system’s performance. Finally, the network’s performance is investigated through numerical results to highlight the effects of different types of optical fronthaul links.

CF-mMIMO Wireless Network with Fiber and FSO Fronthaul Links

Impact of Cost Parameters on Energy Efficiency